Livekd Could Not Resolve Symbols For Ntoskrnl.Exe
I downloaded the symbols from package (Windows 7 RTM x86 retail symbols, all languages) but it still gives me the same error!
Done .sympath but still not working
Jan 26, 2016 - >livekd.exe -hv name -p -o c: memory.dmp. If you get any errors about kdversionblock or cannot resolve symbols for ntoskrnl, make sure your.
.sympath C:inetpubwwwrootProductsServicebinProductsEntityModel.pdb;srvc:Symbols
Am I missing something? Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
1 Answer
I would have the sympath like this
You could probably have mismatched symbols. Here is a command which will help in diagnosing the symbol load problems !sym noisy
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I installed retail symbols in D:Symbols and given the path to my windbg.exe but it can't be loaded why?
2 Answers
The Debug Symbols that Microsoft provides are only usable for the RTM or Sp1 Version of Windows 7. When you install an Update, the PDBs no longer match.
Here you must point to the Symbol Server to download the new PDBs:
Resolve Symbols
It's easier if you have an internet connection to let windbg find and download the correct ones for you, whereby it will be cached locally:
Will go and fetch the correct symbols from the MS symbol server at
if you download them yourself then you have to download the correct version matching your specific build and this is just too much of a headache to maintain so IMO it's just simpler to just let windbg handle this for you.