How To Install Libgcc-3.4.6-sol9-sparc-local
- Description of installation on SunOS 5.9 (Solaris 9) on 64bit sparc system.
- Solaris 10 user can use the pre-installed Postgres database. (see [1])
- 1Prerequisites
- 4Running as a non-root user
Verify that JRE 1.7 is installed on the Linux client. Sparc: libgcc-3.4.6-sol9-sparc-local.gz; Sparc iconvlibrary: libiconv-1.11-sol9-sparc-local.gz; Opteron:. Create Account. Forgot password.
general utilities
- tested with gcc 3.4.6 installed in /usr/local
- check your PATH - variable to contain
- CAUTION: To avoid confusion with library paths etc. try to get the newest versions of all needed tools from Almost all newer tools will install to /usr/local. Almost all problems described below were due to the mix of older and newer tools/librarys and vanished after updating those tools. If you already have older versions of the tools installed they may have been installed to different paths:
- check carefully messages from .configure to see if you included the appropriate paths and library paths! If some libraries are 'elsewhere' you might try
- download and unzip following tools from sun freeware:
- install them with the following command for all downloaded files
- download sources according to description in Jicmpto your installation-directory
- cd to your installation-directory
- run
- Libraries will be installed in /usr/local/lib
- Program will be installed as /usr/local/share/java/jicmp.jar
- if you get following error during make
- if you get errors during make like
- download rrd (and any required prerequisites) from to your installation-directory
- cd to your installation-directory
- REMARK: the compiled package didn't work for this configuration so rrd source code was installed, see below.
- Installation of compiled package:
- run
- example: rrdtool-1.2.19-sol9-sparc-local.gz will install to /usr/local/rrdtool-1.2.19
- this package didn't work together with jrrd, following error was generated when running configure for jrrd:
Installation from source code:
- download rrd source code(and any required prerequisites) from to your installation-directory
- cd to your installation-directory
- look where other prerequisited open source tools (like libfreetype) are installed in your system and change the path in the example below, here /usr/sfw was used
- run
- if the make - job stops working with
as last lines in output press CTRL-D (the job obviously tries to read from command line). cgi-demo will be empty...
- example: rrdtool-1.2.19-sol9-sparc-local.gz will install to /usr/local/rrdtool-1.2.19
- download jrrd-1.0.1.tar.gz from to your installation-directory
- cd to your installation-directory
- replace the path to the rrdtool in the example below with the path to your rrdtool installation
- replace the path to the java-jdk in the example below with the path to your java installation
- run
- Libraries will be installed in /usr/local/lib
- Program will be installed as /usr/local/share/java/jrrd.jar
- read Performance_tuning#PostgreSQL_8.1before installation so you can design your configuration
- download postgres packages from to your installation-directory. Postgres postgresql-8.3.0-sol9-sparc-local.gz is used in this example.
- cd to your installation-directory
- run
- postgres should now be installed in /usr/local/pgsql
- create start script /etc/init.d/postgres for start/stop of database
- create link Snnpostgresql in /etc/rc3.d
- make data directory according to your design
- initialize a new DB (target directory has to be empty!)
- if you have problems starting postgres or any of it's tools with following error message:
then look for the path to this library (comes with gcc compiler) and add the environment-variable (adjust the path to your needs)
- read /documentation/InstallUnStable for configuring security etc.. The configuration files mentioned there should be in your data directory /usr/local/pgsql/pgdata after initializing the database with initdb as described above.
- download iplike solaris package following the links for downloading opennms in Main_Pageto your installation-directory
- cd to your installation-directory
- run
- iplike should now be installed in /usr/local/lib
- download opennms[-snapshot] to a temporarily directory.
- after download cd to this temporarily directory.
- run
- this will create a new directory 'opennms-installer'
login to your Solaris desktop environment or export your DISPLAY to a computer, this is needed because the installer now has a GUI.
- open a commandprompt/terminalwindow
- run
to start setup.(make sure you know your postgres passwords)
- follow the directives in the installer, install OpenNMS on a slice where you have and will have enough room. /opt/OpenNMS is prefered.
- now you should be able to start opennms
- (you can get great benefit from starting OpenNMS with ./bin/opennms start
- If you installed OpenNMS as a Solaris package and are using svcadm to start and stop it you may run into a problem where it fails to start when you have a reasonable number of nodes in the database. This can be caused by it failing to completely start in within the default 5 minutes. To overcome this you will need to increase this value.
How To Install Libgcc-3.4.6-sol9-sparc-locals
Performance tips
- Start OpenNMS with the following command: ./bin/opennms start, this will preload the 64 bit environment.
- if you installed OpenNMS on a slice like /opt you can have great benefits from altering the read/write buffering on this slice. Open /etc/vfstab and modify the slice accordingly: [example]
/dev/dsk/c1d0s5 /dev/rdsk/c1d0s5 /opt ufs 2 yes noatime,forcedirectio.
The settings noatime and forcedirectio will reduce the waitingtime for rrd to write his files. In my case the diskusage dropped from a steady 100% to 10% after setting these options on /opt and rebooting the system.
Running as a non-root user
On Solaris 10, it's possible to run OpenNMS as a non-root user, but it will be necessary to grant a couple of special permissions to the OpenNMS user:
Binding to udp/162 for Trapd
The permission needed for the OpenNMS trap receiver (Trapd) to bind to the standard snmp-trap port of udp/162 is:
If this permission is missing, OpenNMS will fail to start up and you will get an exception trace like the following in output.log:
Creating ICMP datagrams
OpenNMS normally does quite a bit of pinging, which requires another privilege on Solaris 10 in order to create raw ICMP datagrams:
Without this privilege, OpenNMS may start up but it will be unable to perform any ping operations.