Xampp Control Panel V3.0.12
I had an installed version of 7.2.0 and then installed version xampp-win32-5.6.32-0-VC11-installer on another folder. Xampp control panel v3.2.2; xampp 32bit for. Xampp for windows free download - Windows 10, XAMPP, XAMPP, and many more programs.
Hi all I am using xampp v3.2.1 in windows 7. I want to start it automatically as windows start, but not able to do it.
I tried the solution provided here but not find anything in services.
I have installed xampp in D drive is this the reason why apache and mysql is not showed in services when open the services.msc from run.
I have tried it from the xampp control panel from the config button I check the checkbox to autostart but it start the services when I start the xampp control panel, not when system start.
So how can I do this, is there any way to do this. Please let me know.
And I also want to do the same thing in windows server 2008 however right now it is installed it in the ** C Drive** of the server but i want to install it on the D drive on server also.
2 Answers
I'm also using xampp v.3.2.1 with windows 7. I have installed it on my C drive and I can see Apache and mysql in services.msc and both appear with auto start, maybe you should try to install in C drive.
Look at this response, It can be helpful to you: How to start Apache and MySQL Automatically when Windows 8 comes up
Start the control panel using 'Run as administrator', then you can install apache, Mysql as a service.