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Serialize And Deserialize A Given N-Ary Tree

Serialize And Deserialize A Given N-Ary Tree Average ratng: 6,4/10 1812 votes

Given key and NULL children pointer. Void serialize(Node *root, FILE *fp). // Else, store. Design an algorithm to serialize and deserialize a binary tree. There is no restriction on how your serialization/deserialization algorithm should work.

  1. C# Binaryformatter Deserialize
  1. // A C++ Program serialize and deserialize an N-ary tree
  2. #define MARKER ')'
  3. usingnamespace std;
  4. // A node of N-ary tree
  5. char key;
  6. Node *child[N];// An array of pointers for N children
  7. // A utility function to create a new N-ary tree node
  8. {
  9. temp->key = key;
  10. temp->child[i]=NULL;
  11. }
  12. // This function stores the given N-ary tree in a file pointed by fp
  13. {
  14. if(root NULL)return;
  15. // Else, store current node and recur for its children
  16. for(int i =0; i < N && root->child[i]; i++)
  17. fprintf(fp, '%c ', MARKER);
  18. // This function constructs N-ary tree from a file pointed by 'fp'.
  19. // This functionr returns 0 to indicate that the next item is a valid
  20. int deSerialize(Node *&root, FILE*fp)
  21. // Read next item from file. If theere are no more items or next
  22. char val;
  23. return1;
  24. // Else create node with this item and recur for children
  25. for(int i =0; i < N; i++)
  26. break;
  27. // Finally return 0 for successful finish
  28. }
  29. // A utility function to create a dummy tree shown in above diagram
  30. {
  31. root->child[0]= newNode('B');
  32. root->child[2]= newNode('D');
  33. root->child[0]->child[1]= newNode('F');
  34. root->child[2]->child[1]= newNode('H');
  35. root->child[2]->child[3]= newNode('J');
  36. root->child[0]->child[1]->child[0]= newNode('K');
  37. }
  38. // A utlity function to traverse the constructed N-ary tree
  39. {
  40. {
  41. for(int i =0; i < N; i++)
  42. }
  43. int main()
  44. // Let us create an N-ary tree shown in above diagram
  45. // Let us open a file and serialize the tree into the file
  46. if(fp NULL)
  47. puts('Could not open file');
  48. }
  49. fclose(fp);
  50. // Let us deserialize the storeed tree into root1
  51. fp =fopen('tree.txt', 'r');
  52. traverse(root1);
  53. return0;
Serialize And Deserialize A Given N-Ary Tree
// 40
// 20 21 22
//10 11 12 13 14
// 2
//serialised value is : 40 20 10 ) 11 2 ) ) ) 21 ) 22 12 ) 13 ) 14 ) ) )
// A C++ program to demonstrate serialization and deserialiation of
// n-ary Tree
//char MARKER=')';
#defineMARKER -1
/* A binary Node has key, vector of Node * for children */
int key;
vector< structNode * > child;
/* Helper function that allocates a new Node with the
given key and NULL children pointer. */
Node* newNode(int key)
Node* temp = new Node;
temp->key = key;
return (temp);
// This function stores a tree in a file pointed by fp
voidserialize(Node *root, FILE *fp)
// Else, store current node and recur for its children
fprintf(fp, '%d ', root->key);
unsigned i=0;
serialize(root->child[i], fp);
fprintf(fp, '%d ', MARKER );
// This function constructs a tree from a file pointed by 'fp'
// 40 20 10 ) 11 2 ) ) ) 21 ) 22 12 ) 13 ) 14 ) ) )
voiddeSerialize(Node *&root, FILE *fp)
// A simple inorder traversal used for testing the constructed tree
void inorder(Node *root)
if (root)
printf('%d ', root->key);
voidprintTree(structNode * root)
{ cout<< root->key<<'';
unsigned i=0;//becoz vectoe size returns unsigned int
while(i < (root->child).size())
/* Driver program to test above functions*/
// Let us construct a tree shown in the above figure
structNode *root = newNode(40);
root->child.push_back( newNode(20) );
root->child.push_back( newNode(21) );
root->child.push_back( newNode(22) );
//level order traversal of tree
// Let us open a file and serialize the tree into the file
FILE *fp = fopen('tree.txt', 'w');
if (fp NULL)
puts('Could not open file');
serialize(root, fp);
// Let us deserialize the storeed tree into root1
Node *root1 = NULL;
fp = fopen('tree.txt', 'r');
deSerialize(root1, fp);
/*printf('Inorder Traversal of the tree constructed from file:n');
Serialize And Deserialize A Given N-Ary Tree
Owner Author

commented Nov 15, 2014

De serialize part is remaining to implement

Owner Author

commented Nov 15, 2014

Owner Author

commented Nov 18, 2014

int deSerialize(Node *&root, FILE *fp)
// Read next item from file. If theere are no more items or next
// item is marker, then return 1 to indicate same
char val;
if ( !fscanf(fp, '%c ', &val) val MARKER )
return 1;


The System Timer, however, is supplied to the priority encoder through a latch that is reset by software. 3b2 tutorial pdf. Table 35: Full-interrupt vector table in ROM Address Contents IPL Notes 0x8C 0x02000BC8 NMI Handler 0x90 0x02000BC8 0 Auto-Vector Handler (not used) 0x94 0x02000BC8 1 PCBPs (31 words) 0xAC 0x02000C18 8 Programmed Interrupt 8 (PIR8) 0xB0 0x02000C68 9 Programmed Interrupt 9 (PIR9) 0xB4 0x02000CB8 0xB8 0x02000D08 11 Hard Disk & Floppy 0xBC 0x02000D58 0xC0 0x02000DA8 13 UART 0xC4 0x02000DA8 0xC8 0x02000E48 15 10ms interval timer and Syserr 0xCC 0x02000BC8 0xD0 0x02000BC8 0x10C 0x02000BC8 Device Interrupt Handler 0x110 0x02000BC8 PCBPs (224 words) (All identical PCBPs). The 3B2 interrupt subsystem takes interrupt inputs from several sources on the system board and translates them into values on the CPU's four bit IPL (Interrupt Priority Level) bus. The IPL bus is fed by a 74LS148 priority encoder. The hard disk controller (ID), floppy disk controller (IF), and DUART (IU) interrupt outputs are directly connected to the priority encoder (potentially through inverters), and are cleared when the originating device de-asserts its IRQ line.

C# Binaryformatter Deserialize

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